
Fab Lab Network

The Fab Lab Network is an open, creative community of fabricators, artists, scientists, engineers, educators, students, amateurs, professionals, of all ages located in more than 90 countries in approximately 1,500 Fab Labs. From community based labs to advanced research centers, Fab Labs share the goal of democratizing access to the tools for technical invention. This community is simultaneously a manufacturing network, a distributed technical education campus, and a distributed research laboratory working to digitize fabrication, inventing the next generation of manufacturing and personal fabrication.

Below you will find an overview of fab labs, information on the global network, and all of the resources needed to start a lab in your local community!

Fab Lab resources

Fab Foundation Forum is Launched!

The Fab Foundation Forum is a new initiative for the Fab Lab Network.

Our main goals are to:

Facilitate communication, sharing and collaboration between regional networks, and by extension, between fab labs and fabbers around the world.

Gather and distribute resources and data from the Fab Lab Network that can help those looking to start new labs, or to enhance the operations, sustainability and fundraising capacity of existing labs. --> see Fab Census

Develop a unified strategy for promoting and communicating about the Fab Lab Network that enables individual labs to identify themselves as members of an international network of like-minded organizations with internal resources and governance.--> See Annual Report

Feel free to contact us with any questions or comments for making a stronger network!

Contact Us Fab Census Annual Report Based on Census Data

More than 1,750 Fab Labs all over the globe!

To be a Fab Lab means connecting to a global community of learners, educators, technologists, researchers, makers and innovators: a knowledge sharing network that spans 100 countries and 24 time zones. Because all Fab Labs share common tools and processes, the program is building a global network, a distributed laboratory for research and invention.

Adding a Lab to the Map: is the online social network of the international Fab Lab community and is the current official list of Fab Labs that share same principles, tools, and philosophy around the future of technology and its role in society. Click here to be redirected to the platform's guidelines and FAQ on how to add a lab to the map and the community.

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